Saram Wellness

Meditations designed with you in mind

the meditation that gets you

Your daily sanctuary designed uniquely for you

Picture this:

… you feel heard, seen and supported in your daily spiritual practice

… you don’t need to invest thousands to get started on your self-growth journey

… you finally start actively moving through the things that have been holding you back!!!

… you wake up each morning feeling a profound sense of inner calm and clarity

… your confidence is growing

… the moments of uncertainty become opportunities for self-discovery and growth

… you move closer to your dreams because you show up for yourself

... whatever challenge, desire or goal you have on your heart – will finally start feeling more easeful

We all have a theme, question or a topic that is ALIVE right now and it keeps showing up in our reality. It’s time to do something about it. Maybe you’re looking to connect deeper to your intuition, or you need support navigating a big change, getting over a breakup or you’re tired of people pleasing… whatever it may be – this meditation experience will be created UNIQUELY FOR YOU around your most alive topic. To support you, guide you & help you TRANSFORM.

A custom guided meditation - how does it work?

A custom guided meditation - how does it work?



Choose between a 45-minute alignment call or a questionnaire submission

Choose between a 45-minute alignment call or a questionnaire submission

You can seriously tap into this with ANY topic. No matter if you want to work on a challenge or manifest your dream life – we will be adjusting to you.

It is up to you to decide, which way works best for you. During the call, you can share everything that’s on your heart and I’ll ask additional questions to get to know you better and to assure the meditation will be precisely designed for your situation. Or you can drop in with your details over the forms, where I’d like you to be as specific as possible regarding what you want to work on.

100% confidentiality and professionalism are guaranteed at every step of the process.

Afte you have made your purchase, I will contact you. Depending on whether you chose to have the online call or forms submission, I will provide you with all the relevant details. If you chose a call, you will be receiving a link where you can book a suitable time for your call. 



Receive the custom guided meditation

Receive the custom guided meditation

Generally, it will take me 7-10 weekdays to prepare and deliver your meditation. However, depending on your unique needs, such as a longer meditation, the delivery time can be slightly longer. If you need the meditation sooner, a guaranteed 5-day delivery is 140€. 

The meditation is generally 10-30 minutes long but can be adjusted according to your availability, the theme & needs. All of these details will be defined either in the call or via forms.

You get to keep the meditation forever.

Your personalised meditation


Unlock your daily self-care ritual – your personalised guided meditation that will be your companion through thick & thin, helping you move towards your desired direction in life. 

We are all different.

No surprise that what works for one person, doesn’t work for the other. We have all experienced different traumas, life events, we have different dreams & aspirations. That is exactly why we all need a different approach and a different type of care.

In this personalised experience, we’ll craft a powerful & impactful meditation that is supporting your needs & desires. From the topic, length to the style & everything else that goes into your dream meditation. 

This isn't just a practice; it's a self-exploration journey, an active participation in your growth, a pathway to connect deeper with yourself.

This isn't just a practice; it's a self-exploration journey, an active participation in your growth, a pathway to connect deeper with yourself.

There is something special about having something made for you. The energy hits different. It’s infused with a strong intention that simply can’t be a one-size-fits-all. Your situation is unique, so it deserves to receive the dedicated attention and care.  This journey that you’re in for is something that can shapeshift your growth IMMENSLY.

There's no chance it won't work. It's made for you.


Meditation is an ancient practice, backed by scientific findings. It doesn’t always need to be done in mere stillness – it can be a dynamic guided journey within. By engaging in mindfulness and focused awareness, meditation reshapes the brain’s neural pathways, fostering clarity, emotional resilience, and heightened self-awareness. 

AND JUST IMAGINE, you don’t just meditate. You pour your focus & energy into the unique topic you want to work on. It’s a profound exploration of the mind’s potential, an inward journey that empowers you to navigate your unique situation.

The power of intention & focus

No doubt it’s hard to focus on ourselves with all the information overload around us. How often do you find your focus being everywhere else? 

What if, all that energy that is currently being poured to something else – you shift it inwards? To your journey? Your growth? Your expansion? The power of your intention and focus you pour into yourself by sitting down with your custom meditation daily or weekly – will bring profound shifts. Guaranteed.

Spice up your daily/weekly practices 100%
Spice up your daily/weekly practices 100%
Commit to your growth without spending thousands 100%
Grow without spending thousands... 100%
Feel supported, seen & heard in your unique situation 100%
Feel supported, seen & heard 100%

Studies have shown that intentional, focused activities can lead to structural changes in the brain, promoting the formation of new neural connections.


This will 100% support you if...

… you are feeling overwhelmed by stress and seeking more balance.

… you want to work on manifesting your unique dreams.

… you are experiencing a sense of confusion or lack of direction, seeking mental clarity.

… you are struggling with self-doubt and desiring increased self-confidence.

… you are an aspiring individual looking for a tool to enhance focus and motivation in achieving your goals.

… you are navigating challenging emotions and want to build emotional resilience.

… you are going through significant life changes and seeking stability and guidance.

… you are desiring a daily practice to tap into inner peace.

… you are an artist or professional facing creative blocks and wanting to unlock boundless creativity.

… you are looking to connect deeper with your intuition.

… you are on a journey of self-discovery, wanting a tool to explore and understand yourself better.

… you are on a spiritual path, desiring a guided tool for growth and connection.

… you are seeking a positive lifestyle shift through cultivating a more positive mindset.

... or anything else that’s not on the list. This really doesn’t have any limits.

Imagine the feeling of sitting with a personal guide daily who understands your journey intimately. Except, it is a meditation designed for YOU.

Do you have any questions?

Firstly, check out the frequently asked questions below. If you don’t find your answer, please send me an email to or message me on Instagram @saram.wellness

Disclaimer: Meditation serves as a supplementary practice and is not intended as a replacement for professional or medical treatment. If you are experiencing psychological or medical conditions, it is advised to seek assistance from a qualified health professional.

Setting clear intentions and maintaining focused attention on goals increases the likelihood of goal achievement. Studies in goal-setting theory highlight the importance of specific, challenging, and achievable goals in driving motivation and success.


Yoga teacher & Coach

Having practised and learnt yoga & meditation deeply for many years, I can surely say it has changed my life. It all started from being anxious and lost… What to do with my life? How to NOT feel anxious? How to find my purpose? I started finding answers to these questions through yoga & meditation. Starting from practising the generic meditations found online and sitting in silence.

After many years of practising, I discovered the potency of actively guiding myself through meditation sessions, tailoring each experience to the active themes in my life. It was a profound shift—from being a passive participant in generic meditations to becoming an active architect of my inner journey.

This evolution wasn’t just a change in practice; it marked a powerful transition from seeking answers to becoming the guide. Now, as I extend this transformative approach to you, it’s not merely a meditation; it’s a personalized exploration, crafted to meet you where you are on your path.


4.5 / 5.0


Unlock your daily self-care rituals, a personalised guided meditation that will be your companion through thick & thin, helping you move towards your desired direction in life. 


Frequently asked questions

Absolutely, this is a great option if you are a beginner. As many meditations that you can find online are either too long, short or you don't fully know what to expect from them - this is the best way to tailor the session to your needs with every aspect. The length, theme and so on - so it would be comfortable for you.  

Depending on your needs and situation, I'll provide a suggestion on the optimal frequency for your meditation sessions. However, ultimately, the choice is entirely yours. Whether you prefer to engage once a month, every day, or every week, the key is for it to feel good and authentic for you. The flexibility is designed to align with your unique preferences and lifestyle.

You can choose to either provide the information to me via a questionnaire submission or an online call with me. It is entirely up to you. If you choose the questionnaire, you will receive the link to that after you have completed your purchase.

Yes, absolutely. It's a great addition to your current routine and practices. It will help you amplify and work on the desired theme even deeper.

Regular guided meditations are amazing but they are not for everyone and not for every moment. The advantage of the personalised approach is really the opportunity to go deeper and work on a subject important to you with precise detail, so it will have a greater impact on your life.

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