Saram Wellness

A 7-day MINDFUL ME challenge

A challenge designed to help you become your best version


Join the MINDFUL ME challenge

If you’ve been wanting to boost your good habits, feel more positive and excited about your daily life, this is it. Spending your mornings mindfully will start changing your habits, self-image, confidence and presence. Get into a positive feedback loop with your habits, start building the foundation for a more resilient, empowering life.

START: September 16th at 8:30 AM EEST (Saturday / Sunday we start 11 AM)

PRICE: 33€

How does it work?

Join me for a 15 minute mindful session every morning for 7 days. 8:30 AM on weekdays and 11:00 AM on Saturday / Sunday. If you can’t make it live, you will get the recording! The session will be held on Zoom.

Additionally, you will get access to a Telegram group where you’ll get additional prompts, affirmations, inspiration + get to connect with other like-minded people for growth and a more empowered, mindful life.

If you finish the challenge by showing up live 7 days in a row, you will get one of my most transformative meditations for free!

What practices will be covered?

  • Nervous system regulation practices
  • Neurosomatic practices
  • Somatic resets
  • Meditation
  • Breathwork

Choosing yourself for just 7 days can have a profound impact on your well-being, kickstart positive habits, and leave you feeling more empowered each day.

This is for you if you want to:

  • Regulate your nervous system
  • Build mindful habits
  • Feel more empowered, less stressed
  • Take an active step towards you well-being
  • Reinforce a positive feedback loop

Why do we start in the morning?

Mornings are one of the most powerful times to set intentions and shape the tone for the rest of your day. Cultivating mindfulness in the morning can have a profound impact on how you feel throughout the day.

More positive thoughts, greater presence, more ease, and less stress – guaranteed. And it only takes 10-15 minutes!

The "I'don't have time..." excuse vs choosing small shifts that lead to big transformations

Yes, mornings can be hectic. But nothing changes if nothing changes. We can always find time—it’s just a matter of adjusting our priorities.

If you truly want to start making positive changes in your life, ask yourself if you’re ready to give this a try. Even small shifts can lead to big transformations.